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Vocabulary List

6th Grade

Glossary of Academic Vocabulary

achieve (∂ - ch∏v´) v. to perform or carry out with success; accomplish

appropriate (∂ -pr ∫´pr∏-∆t) adj. suitable or acceptable for a particular situation, person, place, or condition

authority (∂ -t hôr ´ ∆-t∏) n. an accepted source, such as a person or text, of expert information or advice

benefit (b≈n´∂-f ∆t) n. something that provides help or improves something else

circumstance (sûr´ k∂m-st √ns´) n. a condition or fact that affects an event

consequence (k≤n´s∆-kw≈ns´) n. something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition

constraint (k∂n-str∑nt´) n. something or someone that limits or restricts another’s actions

distinct (d∆-st∆ngkt´) adj. easy to tell apart from others; not alike

emphasize (≈m´ f∂-sπ z´) v. to give something special importance or attention

environment (≈n-vπ ´r∂n-m∂nt) n. surroundings; the conditions that surround someone or something

evident (≈v´ ∆- d∂nt) adj. easily seen or understood; obvious

factor (f √k ´t∂r) n. someone or something that has an affect on an event, a process, or a situation

illustrate (∆l´∂-str∑t´) v. to show, or clarify, by examples or comparing

impact (∆m´p√kt´) n. something striking against another; also, the effect or impression of one thing on another

indicate (∆n´ d∆-k∑t´) tr.v. to point out; also, to serve as a sign or symbol of something

individual (∆n´ d∂-v∆j ´◊-∂l) n. a single human being apart from a society or community

injure (∆n´ j∂r) tr.v. to hurt or cause damage

instance (∆n´st ∂ns) n. an example that is cited to prove or disprove a claim or illustrate a point

justify (j≠s´t∂-f π´) v. to demonstrate or prove to be just, right, reasonable, or valid

legal (l∏´g∂l) adj. permitted by law; of, related to, or concerned with law

occur (∂ -kûr ´) v. to take place; happen

outcome (out´ k≠m´) n. a natural result or consequence

period (pîr´∏-∂d) n. a particular length of time, often referring to a specific time in history or in a culture

principle (pr∆n´s∂-p∂l) n. a rule or standard, especially of good behavior

relevant (r≈l ´∂-v∂nt) adj. important to, connected to, or significant to an issue, event, or person in some way

respond (r ∆-sp≤nd ´) v. to make a reply; answer

significant (s∆g-n∆f ´∆-k∂nt) adj. meaningful; important

similar (s∆ m´∂-l∂r) adj. alike in appearance or nature, though not identical; having features that are the same

specific (sp∆-s∆ f ´∆ k) adj. concerned with a particular thing; also, precise or exact

tradition (t r ∂- d∆ sh ´∂n) n. the passing down of various elements of a culture from generation to generation; a custom

Glossary of Critical Vocabulary

activate (√k ´t∂-v∑t´) v. To activate something means to cause it to start working.

aggression (∂ -gr ≈sh ´∂n) n. Angry, violent behavior or action is called aggression.

alley (√l´∏) n.An alley is a narrow street or passage behind or between city buildings.

allure (∂ -l≥r´) n.An allure is a power of attraction, an ability to interest or entice others.

ambush (√m´b≥sh) v. Some animals ambush their prey by hiding and then attacking as the prey comes near them.

amiable (∑´m∏-∂-b∂l) adj. To be amiable is to be good-natured and friendly.

antibiotic (√n´t∆-bπ-≤t´ ∆ k) n. An antibiotic is a drug used in medicine to kill bacteria and to cure infections.

aptitude (√p´t∆-t◊d´) n. An aptitude for something is an ability to easily and quickly learn how to do it.

attribute (∂ -t r ∆ b ´y◊t) tr.v. If you attribute something to a person, thing, or event, you believe that they cause it or have it.

banquet (b√ng´kw∆t) n. A banquet is a huge, elaborate feast with many kinds of food and drink.

bore ( bôr) v. (past tense of bear) If you say a person bore something, you mean they carried it or had it on them; it is visible in some way.

brood (br◊d) v. If you brood, you are deep in thought, maybe worrying or feeling depressed about something.

cascade (k√s-k∑d´) v. Something that can cascade will fall, pour, or rush in stages, like a waterfall over steep rocks.

claustrophobic (klô´str∂-f∫´b∆ k) adj. A claustrophobic place feels uncomfortably closed or crowded.

collapse (k∂-l√ps´) v. If you collapse, you fall down suddenly.

complexity (k∂m-pl≈k ´s∆-t∏) n. Complexity is the state of having many different parts that are connected in a tangled or layered way.

conceal (k∂n-s∏l ´) v. If you conceal something, you hide it and keep it from being found or seen.

confidence (k≤n´ f ∆ - d∂ns) n. A person who has confidence believes in his or her abilities or ideas.

conscientious (k≤n´sh∏-≈n´sh∂s) adj. If someone is conscientious, that person is very careful and thorough.

criticize (kr∆t´∆-sπz´) v. To criticize is to tell someone what you think is wrong with them.

degradation (d≈g´r∂-d∑´sh∂n) n. Damage done to something in nature, by weather or water for example, is called degradation.

despair (d∆-spâr´) n. Feeling defeated, with a complete loss of hope, is called despair.

dialect (dπ ´∂-l≈kt´) n. A dialect is a regional language variation, characterized by differences in pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary.

dictate (d∆ k ´t∑t´) v. To dictate something is to require it to be done or decided.

distract (d∆-str√kt´) v. To distract is to pull attention away from something or someone.

eavesdrop (∏vz´dr≤p´) i ntr.v. To eavesdrop is to listen secretly to others’ private conversations.

embrace (≈m-br∑s´) n. An embrace is a hug or encirclement, showing acceptance.

emphatic (≈m-f√t´ ∆ k) adj. If something is emphatic, it is expressed in a definite and forceful way.

entrance (≈n-tr√ns´) v. To entrance is to fill with delight or wonder.

evolve (∆-v≤lv ´) v. When animals and plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms.

exotic (∆g-z≤t´ ∆ k) adj. Something that is exotic is from another part of the world.

foil (foi l) tr.v. If you foil someone, you stop that person from being successful at something.

gauge (g∑j) tr.v. To gauge something is to measure it or judge it, as in to make an estimate.

glisten (gl∆s´∂n) v. An object that glistens is sparkly and shiny.

gnarly (när ´ l∏) adj. Something that is gnarly has many knots and bumpy areas on its surface.

grimace (gr∆m´∆ s) v. If you grimace, you twist your face in an unattractive way because you are unhappy, disgusted, or in pain.

immaturity (∆m´∂-ty≥r´ ∆-t∏) n. Immaturity is the state of not being fully developed or grown.

immortal (∆-môr´tl) adj. If someone or something is immortal, it will never die.

inconsistency (∆n´ k∂n-s∆s´t∂n-s∏) n. If something shows inconsistency, it does not always behave or respond the same way every time.

indignity (∆n-d∆g´n∆-t∏) n. An indignity is something that offends, insults, or injures one’s pride or dignity.

indomitable (∆n-d≤m´∆-t∂-b∂l) adj. Something or someone that is indomitable is unable to be tamed or defeated.

indulge (∆n-d≠lj´) v. If you indulge in something, you allow yourself to do or have something you want.

intercept (in´t∂r-s≈pt´) v. To intercept is to stop or interrupt something.

invisible (∆ n-v∆z´∂-b∂l) adj. If something is invisible, you cannot see it.

isolate (π´s∂-l∑t´) v. To isolate something is to set it apart or separate it from others.

jar ( jär) n. A jar can be a jolt or shock, as well as a harsh, scraping sound.

knot (n≤t) n. A knot is a unit of speed used by ships. One knot is equal to one nautical mile, or about 1.85 kilometers per hour.

lament (l∂-m≈nt) v. If you lament, you are wailing or crying as a way of expressing grief.

lethargy (l≈th´∂r-j∏) n. In a state of lethargy, a person experiences drowsiness, inactivity, and a lack of energy.

linger (l∆ng´g∂r) v. To linger means to leave slowly and reluctantly, not wanting to go.

magnitude (m√g´n∆-t◊d´) n. Magnitude is a measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake.

malice (m√l ´ ∆ s) n. Malice is a desire to harm others or to see someone suffer.

mandate (m√n´ d∑t´) n. A mandate is an authoritative command or instruction.

menagerie (m∂-n√j ´∂-r∏) n. A menagerie is a collection of live wild animals, often kept for showing to the public.

mock (m≤k) v. To mock someone is to treat them with scorn or contempt.

monumental (m≤n´y∂-m≈n´tl) adj. A monumental event is one that is of outstanding significance.

mope (m∫p) i ntr.v. Tomope is to be gloomy, miserable, and not interested in anything.

morbid (môr ´ b∆d) adj. A morbid quality or feeling is one that is unhealthy or unwholesome, like an illness or disease.

ominous (≤m´∂ -n∂s) adj. Something that is ominous is frightening or threatening.

perseverance (pûr´s∂-vî r´∂ns) n. To have perseverance is to stay focused on a plan, a belief, or a purpose.

pestilence (p≈s´t ∂ -l∂ns) n. A pestilence is often a fatal illness or evil influence that spreads quickly to many people.

phenomenon (f∆-n≤m´∂-n≤n´) n. A phenomenon is an unusual or remarkable fact or event.

plummet (pl≠m´ ∆t) v. If you plummet, you fall straight down, suddenly and steeply.

poised (poizd) adj. To be poised means to be calm and assured, showing balanced feeling and action.

precarious (pr∆-kâr´∏- ∂s) adj. If something is done in a precarious manner, it is done in a dangerously unstable or insecure way.

precipice (pr≈s´∂ -p∆ s) n. A precipice is an overhanging or extremely steep area of rock.

predator (pr≈d ´∂-t∂r) n. A predator is an animal that survives by eating other animals.

prestigious (pr≈-st∏´ j ∂s) adj. If something is prestigious, it has a greater level of people’s respect or honor than others like it.

priority (prπ-ôr´∆-t∏) n. A priority is the thing that is most important to a person in a particular situation or relationship.

prosperity (pr≤-sp≈r´∆-t∏) n. Prosperity means having success, particularly having enough money.

raggedy (r√g´ ∆-d∏) adj. Something that is raggedy is worn out, torn, or frayed.

rattle (r√t ´l) v. If you hear something rattle, it is making short, fast knocking sounds as it moves.

recoil (r ∆-koil´) intr. v. To recoil from something is to shrink back, as if in fear.

regulate (r≈g´y∂-l∑t´) v. If you regulate something, you control or direct it according to a rule, principle, or law.

reminisce (r≈m´∂-n∆s´) v. When you reminisce, you remember past experiences or events.

repress (r ∆-pr≈s´) v. If you repress something, you hold it back or try to stop it from happening.

resentment (r ∆-z≈nt´m∂nt) n. If you feel resentment, you feel anger or irritation.

revolutionary (r≈v´∂-l◊´sh∂-n≈r´∏) adj. Something that is revolutionary causes important and sometimes sudden changes in a situation.

rivulet (r ∆v´y∂-l ∆t) n. A rivulet is a small brook or stream.

rupture (r ≠p´ch∂r) v. To rupture means to break open or burst.

serene (s∂-r ∏n´) adj. If you are serene, you are calm and unflustered.

shudder (sh≠d ´∂r) n. A shudder is a strong shiver or tremor.

stake (st ∑ k) n. A stake is something that can be gained or lost in a situation, such as money, food, or life.

stealthily (st ≈l ´th∂-l∏) adv. To do something stealthily means doing it quietly and secretly so no one notices.

summons (s≠m´∂nz) n. A summons is a call or a notice by an authority to appear somewhere or to do something.

surfeit (sûr´ f ∆t) n. A surfeit is an excessive amount of something, such as food or drink.

technician (t ≈k-n∆ sh ´∂n) n. A technician is a person who does skilled practical work using specific equipment.

timid (t∆m´ ∆d) adj. To act in a timid manner is to act shyly, fearfully, or hesitantly.

traumatize (t rô ´m∂-tπz´, trou´-) tr.v. To traumatize means to upset or shock someone, causing emotional and mental pain.

treacherous (t r≈ch ´∂r- ∂s) adj. A treacherous person is untrustworthy and likely to betray others.

trigger (t r ∆g ´∂r) v. To trigger something means to cause it to begin.

turbulence (tûr´by∂ -l∂ns) n. In flying, turbulence is an interruption in the flow of wind that causes planes to rise, fall, or sway in a rough way.

undaunted (≠n-dôn´t∆d) adj. An undaunted person is someone who is strongly courageous, not discouraged or disheartened.

venture (v≈n´ch∂r) n. A venture is a dangerous, daring, or poorly planned task or activity.

vigil (v∆ j ´∂l) n. A vigil is an act or a time of watching, often during normal sleeping hours.

wallop (w≤l ´∂p) v. To wallop is to hit or strike with a hard blow.

weary (wî r ´∏) adj. If you are growing weary, you are getting tired of something, either physically or mentally.

7th Grade

Glossary of Academic Vocabulary

abnormal (√b-nôr´m∂l) adj. not typical, usual, or regular;not normal

affect (∂ -f ≈kt ´) v. to have an influence on or effect a change in something

aspect (√s´p≈kt) n. a characteristic or feature of something

attitude (√t´ ∆-t◊d´) n. a way of thinking or feeling about something or someone

complex (k≤m´pl≈ks´) adj. consisting of many interwoven parts that make something difficult to understand

consume (k∂n s◊m´) v. to buy things for your own use or ownership

contrast (k∂n-tr√st´) v. to show differences between two or more things that are being compared

cultural (kul´ch∂r-∂l´) adj. of or relating to culture or cultivation

despite (d∆-spπt´) prep. in spite of; even though

element (≈l´∂-m∂nt) n. a part or aspect of something

ensure (≈n-sh≥r´) v. to make sure or certain

error (≈r´∂r) n. a mistake

evaluate (∆-văl´yoo-∑t´) tr.v. to examine something carefully to judge its value or worth

feature (f ∏´ch∂r) n. a prominent or distinctive part, quality, or characteristic

focus (f∫´ k∂s) v. to direct toward a specific point or purpose

goal (g∫l) n. the object toward which your work and planning is directed; a purpose

inadequate (∆n-√d´∆-kw∆t) adj. not enough or sufficient to fulfill a need or meet a requirement

interact (∆n´t∂r-√kt´) v. to act upon each other

participate (pär-t ∆s´∂-p∑t´) v. to be active and involved in something or to share in something

perceive (p∂r-s∏v´) v. to become aware of something directly through any of the senses

potential (p∂-t≈n´sh∂l) adj. capable of doing or being something; having possibility

purchase (pûr´ch∆ s) v. to buy

rely (r ∆-l π) v. to depend on something or someone for support, help, or supply

resource (re´-sors´) n. something that can be used for support or help

specify (sp≈s´∂-f π ´) v. to state exactly or in detail what you want or need

stress (st r ≈s) v. to put emphasis on something

task (t √sk) n. an assignment or work done as part of one’s duties

technology (t ≈k-n≤l ´∂-j∏) n. the application of science and engineering as part of a commercial or industrial undertaking

text (t ≈kst) n. a literary work that is regarded as an object of critical analysis

valid (v√l ´ ∆d) adj. convincing or having a sound reason for something

Glossary of Critical Vocabulary

addiction (∂ - d∆ k ´sh∂n) n.An addiction is a habit one is dependent on.

anxiety (√ng-zπ´ ∆-t∏) n. Anxiety is an uneasy, worried feeling.

apathy (√p´∂-t h∏) n. Apathy is indifference or the lack of interest or concern.

arboretum (är´ b∂-r∏´t∂m) n. An arboretum is a place where many trees are grown for educational or viewing purposes.

avalanche (√v´∂-l√nch) n. An avalanche is a large mass of snow, ice, dirt, or rocks falling quickly down the side of a mountain.

bedrock (b≈d´r≤k´) n. Bedrock is the solid rock that lies under sand, soil, clay, and gravel.

cache (k√sh) n. A cache is an amount of something that has been hidden away.

capacity (k∂-p√s´ ∆-t∏) n. A person’s capacity is his or her role or position.

coincidence (k∫-∆n´s∆ - d∂ns) n. A coincidence is a sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned.

conscience (k≤n´sh∂ns) n. Conscience is the conforming to or living up to one’s own sense of what is right.

corridor (kôr´∆- d∂r) n. A corridor is a narrow hallway or passageway.

croon (kr◊n) v. When someone croons, that person hums or sings softly.

cynic (s∆ n´∆ k) n. A cynic is a person who has negative opinions about other people and what they do.

deck (d≈k) n. The deck is the platform on a ship or boat where people stand.

decompose (d∏´k∂m-p∫z´) v. When things decompose, they decay and break down into their basic parts.

diplomat (d∆p´ l∂-m√t´) n. A diplomat is a person appointed by a government to interact with other governments.

eloquence (≈l ´∂ -kw∂ns) n. If someone behaves or speaks with eloquence, she uses persuasive, powerful expression.

enact (≈n-√kt´) v. If you enact something, you make it into a law.

enterprising (≈n´t∂r-pr π ´z∆ng) adj. An enterprising person is someone who accepts challenges and takes initiative.

ethereal (∆-thîr´∏-∂l) adj. If something is ethereal, it is light and airy.

exasperate (∆g-z√s´p∂-r∑t´) v. If you exasperate someone, you make the person very angry.

exhibition ( ≈k ´s ∂ - b∆ s h ´∂n) n.An exhibition is an organized presentation or show.

exhort (∆g-zôrt´) v. If you exhort, you make an urgent appeal to others.

exploit ( ∆ k-sploit ´) v. If you exploit something, you use it selfishly.

exploitation (≈k ´sploi-t∑´sh∂n) n. Exploitation is the unfair treatment or use of something or someone for selfish reasons.

flammable (fl√m´∂-b∂l) adj. If something is flammable, it is easy for it to catch on fire and burn.

frantic (f r√n´ti k) adj. If you do something in a frantic way, you do it quickly and nervously.

geyser (gπ´z∂r) n. A geyser is a natural hot spring that shoots hot water and steam into the air.

gradual (gr√j´◊-∂l) adj. If something is gradual, it advances little by little.

gully (g≠l´∏) n. A gully is a deep ditch cut in the earth by running water.

haggard (h√g´∂rd) adj. If you’re haggard, you are worn out and exhausted.

hypothesis (hπ-p≤th´∆ -s∆ s) n. A hypothesis is an explanation or theory for something that can be tested for validity.

ignorance (∆g´n∂r- ∂ns) n. Ignorance is the condition of being uneducated or uninformed.

impairment (∆m-pâr´m∂nt) n. An impairment is an injury or weakness.

Glossary of Critical Vocabulary

impetus  (∆m´p∆-t∂s) n. The impetus is the driving force or motivation behind an action.

inexplicable  (∆n-≈k´spl∆-k∂-b∂l) adj. If something is inexplicable, it is difficult to understand.

inquire  (∆n-kwπr´) v. If you inquire about something, you ask about it.

inspection  (∆n-sp≈k´sh∂n) n. An inspection is an official examination or review.

insulate  (∆n´s∂-l∑t´) v. When you insulate something, you prevent the passage of heat through it.

intangible  (∆n-t√n´ j∂-b∂l) n. An intangible is something that is hard to describe because it cannot be perceived by the senses.

inundate  (∆n´≠nd∑t´) v. To inundate is to give a huge amount of something.

judicious  (j◊-d∆sh´∂s) adj. If you are judicious, you have good judgment.

mandatory  (m√n´ d∂-tôr´∏) adj. If something is mandatory, it is required.

maroon  (m∂-r◊n´) v. To maroon is to abandon or leave someone in a place that is hard to get away from.

marvel  (mär´v∂l) v. If you marvel at something, you are surprised or astonished by it.

meager  (m∏´g∂r) adj. If something is meager, it is small or deficient in quantity.

median  (m∏´ d∏-∂n) n. A median is a dividing area between opposing lanes of traffic on a highway or road.

metabolism  (m∆-t√b´∂-l∆z´∂m) n. The metabolism of a living thing is all the processes that allow for growth and life.

mischievous  (m∆s´ch∂-v∂s) adj. If someone is mischievous, the person is naughty.

misjudge  (m∆s-j≠j´) v. If you misjudge something, you form an incorrect opinion about it.

moderate  (m≤d´∂r-∆t) adj. When something is kept moderate, it is kept within a certain limit.

municipal  (my◊-n∆s´∂-p∂l) adj. If something is municipal, it relates to a city or town.

navigation  (n√v´∆-g∑´sh∂n) n. The navigation of a ship or boat is the act of guiding it along a planned course.

neural  (n≥r´∂l) adj. Anything that is neural is related to the nervous system.

neuron  (n≥r´≤n´) n. A neuron is a cell in the nervous system that carries messages between the brain and other body parts.

neuroscience  (n≥r´∫-sπ ´∂ns) n. Neuroscience is any of the sciences that study the nervous system.

neuroscientist  (n≥r´∫-sπ´∂n-t∆st) n. A neuroscientist is a person who studies the brain and the nervous system.

obituary  (∫-b∆ch ´◊-≈r´∏) n. An obituary is a public notice of a death.

observation  (≤b´z∂r-v∑´sh∂n) n. An observation is the act of watching something.

plantation  (pl√n-t∑´sh∂n) n. A plantation is a large farm or estate on which crops are raised.

ponderous  (p≤n´d∂r-∂s) adj. If something is ponderous, it is very heavy.

portable  (pôr´t∂-b∂l) adj. If something is portable, it can be carried or moved easily.

porthole  (p≤rt´ h∫l) n. A porthole is a circular window on a boat or ship.

possession  (p∂-z≈sh´∂n) n. A possession is something you own.

precarious  (pr∆-kâr´∏-∂s) adj. If something is precarious, it is dangerous and unstable.

precaution  (pr∆-kô´sh∂n) n. A precaution is an action taken to avoid possible danger.

precipitous  (pr∆-s∆p´∆-t∂s) adj. When something is precipitous, it is very steep, like a cliff.

proliferation  (pr∂-l∆f´∂r-r∑´sh∂n) n. A proliferation is the fast growth of something.

prowess  (prou´∆s) n.Prowess is the strength and courage someone has.

reign (r∑n) v. If some things reign over something else, it means they dominate it.

reprove (r∆-pr◊v´) v. If you reprove someone, you express disapproval.

restrictive (r∆-str∆k´t ∆v) adj. When something is restrictive, it is limiting in some way.

scorn (skôr n) n. Scorn is disrespect or disdain.

sextant (s≈k ´st∂nt) n. A sextant is an instrument used to determine location by measuring the position of the stars and sun.

shuffle (shuf ´∂l) v. When you shuffle, you move with short sliding steps.

singe (s∆ nj) v. If you singe something, you slightly burn it.

snag (sn√g) v. If you snag something, you catch it quickly and unexpectedly.

splinter (spl ∆ n´t∂r) v. To splinter means to break up into sharp, thin pieces.

spyglass (spπ ´gl√s´) n. A spyglass is a small telescope.

steward (st ◊´∂rd) n. A steward is a person who supervises or manages something.

stifle (st π ´f∂l) v. If you stifle something, you hold it back.

submerge (s∂b-mûr j´) v. When something submerges, it becomes covered by water.

superfluity (s◊´p∂r-fl◊´ ∆-t∏) n. Superfluity is overabundance or excess.

sustain (s∂-st ∑n´) v. If things sustain, they remain in existence.

sustenance (s≠s´t ∂ -n∂ns) n. Sustenance is the food needed to live.

swell (sw≈l) n. A swell is a long, unbroken wave.

syringe (s∂-r ∆ nj´) n. A syringe is a medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body.

taper (t ∑´p∂r) v. When things taper, they gradually get thinner.

tectonic (t ≈k-t ≤n ´ ∆ k) adj. If something is tectonic, it relates to the deformation of Earth’s rocky crust.

tedious (t ∏ ´d∏- ∂s) adj. Something that is tedious is boring.

wistful (w∆ st ´f∂l) adj. If you’re wistful, you are thoughtful and longing for something.

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